Monday, September 22, 2008

apples and working moms

What better way to ring in the fall then to go apple picking? Today I packed up the kiddies while Jeremy was at work and met some friends at the apple orchard. There is nothing quite like fresh picked apples for an afternoon snack. So now I've just got to try to muster some energy to make some pie or apple crisp out of them so they don't go to waste. Seeing as I have about 10 loads of laundry to fold however, I'm not sure you will smell anything baking in my house for a while. Which brings me to my top 10 reasons why I wish I were a stay at home mom:

10. I can wear my pajamas all day.
9. I can take naps during nap time.
8. I won't wait until my husband tells me he is wearing yesterdays underwear to actually do laundry.
7. I might start cooking dinner.
6. I can say "Hi honey! How was work?"
5. I can teach my kids to say "Apple" instead of them learning it from Baby Einstein. no, seriously.
4. No whiny co-workers
3. I can join all those mommy groups that make stay-at-home moms just as busy as working moms.
2. I won't have to take days off for appointments, doctors, sick days, etc.
1. Did I mention that I can wear my pajamas all day?

So that's my list for now. I'm sure I will come up with a new one soon. In the meantime, I will continue to attempt to be superwoman and work fulltime while maintaing a semi-clean house, cooking every now and then, loving my babies, and keeping my hubby happy :).



lost in thought said...

i don't aim for all that...i just shoot for no dog poop on the carpet :)

Christi said...

Welp, according to that I already failed today twice.

Yep, nasty.

Sonicth3Great said...

The problem usually arises when I don't tell you that I'm wearing yesterday's underwear because

a) I don't want to make you feel bad for not doing laundry


b) I am perfectly capable of doing laundry myself...almost...except when I put the wrong things together in the washer and the things in the dryer that aren't supposed to be in the dryer, or when I overextend the capacity of the washer by cramming as many clothes in there as possible so that nothing actually gets clean...

So I guess that I'm not capable of doing laundry. Chalk that one up to another reason you should stay home: husband can't do laundry.

Rachael said...

my only comment to this ... jeremy's unable to wash his own underwear??? really?


otherwise, i'd like to be a stay at home mom, too ... even without any kids to watch

Christi said...

Yeah, I think Jeremy explained it. It's not that he "can't" do laundry, it's mostly that he just messes it up when he does.

Like when my cold, gentle cycle, hang-to-dry shirts are washed warm, regular and high heat.

so sad.