Monday, April 14, 2008


me: So did you know that Rick Warren is the Commencement speaker for Gordon College graduation this year?

jeremy: Huh, no way. Who was the speaker at your graduation?

me: I don't know, but I bought his book. Who was yours?

jeremy: Um, Marv something or other. Marv Albert.

me: Marv Albert?

jeremy: Yeah, you know, Marv Albert...DOCTOR Marv Albert.

me (laughing): Doctor Marv Albert? Don't you mean Marv Wilson? Who the heck is Marv Albert?

jeremy (cracking up): haha, a basketball commentator. Haha.

me (dying laughing): Yeah, I'm pretty sure he wasn't your commencement speaker.

I realized the other day that albeit for my husband and his affirming humor and all of our inside jokes, I am really quite a loser. I think we think each other is cool and somehow that is enough for both of us. It's nice to have someone that gets your jokes, and laughs even if they aren't funny, and thinks you are neat. For this I am thankful. No one else may get my worth, but as long as my husband values me, then somehow this sustains me daily.

I wish I were like this in my faith. I wish that I could really say that at the end of the day, as long as God affirms me, I am ok. Unfortunately I still concern myself with what others think - even my husband. Ah, to live to please no one other than the Creator. How freeing this must feel. It will be something I will constantly strive after, but never quite attain.

Welp, I am atleast thankful that while on this journey of messy spirituality I have people around me to encourage me and make me laugh. Even if it's at their own expense.

Doctor who?

Monday, April 07, 2008

March Madness

Jeremy asked me if I would be his guy friend tonight and watch the basketball game with him. I am reluctantly playing along and will soon eat wings and pretend I know what happened in the game when he jumps out of his seat and yells " OH MAN! NO HE DIDN'T!" This should be interesting. Not that I don't love sports, it's just hard to sit down and do anything these days without the urge to get work done since there is always something to do. Did I add that I am going to wear his clothes so I look more like a guy tonight? Haha, just think about it.

So here are all the things I would have blogged about recently but didn't:
- Welcomed Michael and Anthony's baby sister Jada into our home on February 26th! This makes 3 babies under 1 year old in our humble home, which is approximately 17 diaper changes a day, 15 bottles, and endless excitement.
- Had a birthday and am closer to 30. This is fun for me. 30 will be cool.
- Went to New Jersey for Easter and visited my little sister and her awesome family. Saw God at work in her life.
- I learned how to braid the boys hair and it looks sweet.
- Did I mention that I love Jada to death?
- Speaking of death, found a mouse in my washing machine...after I had washed the clothes.

That's a decent update for now.

Here are some happy photos of favorite little guys.
