Friday, November 30, 2007

the great discrepancy

This is what He has given us to do, this task here on this earth, not the task we aspired to do, but this one. The absurdities involved cut us down to size. The great discrepancy between what we envisioned and what we've got force us to be real. And God is our great Reality, more real than the realest of earthly conditions, an unchanging Reality. It is His providence that has put us where we are. It's where we belong. It is for us to receive it--all of it--humbly, quietly, thankfully.
-elisabeth elliott
Oh the absurdities! The many mundane things that fill our time. I find myself reminising on the grandour I envisioned for my life and the reality of the pile of clutter that actually is my life. For instance, the four loads of folded laundry stacked in my bedroom waiting to be put away, the overdue movies that Hollywood Video is pestering us about, the mess in the basement, the dog food under the steps, the pile of papers on my desk at work, etc. And I think to myself, is this what it's all about?

Yes, and no. Two things I am sure of: I will never be free of tasks which I don't like, and I have the freedom to choose how I respond to these tasks.

This isn't a "pray for your babies while you monotonously fold each piece of their clothing" philosophy, it's a "choosing to allow God to reshape you as you faithfully fullfill the duties of whatever post you have been called to". I don't want to work full time and also try to juggle being a good mother, wife, friend, housekeeper, etc. But for now, God has allowed me to be in a challenging place, and if I can recieve this -- humbly, quietly, thankfully -- I'm excited to see how he will grow me through this process.

Well, most of the time I'm excited. Alright, some of the time. Ok, let's just say I'm working on it.

For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
-Philippians 2:13

1 comment:

Sonicth3Great said...

A wise man once said "The absence of clutter is the mark of a mind that is empty."

His name was Jeremy.