Friday, October 12, 2007


Two things I was reminded of last night:
1.  Jeremy is more honest than I am. 
2.  If you go to bed at 1:30 and have to wake up at 6:30, you will probaby be late for work. 
Scenario one:  Jeremy wrote a few blogs recently which I finally read last night.  You can check them out at .  He then asked me what I thought.  I hesitated because I wasn't sure how to respond.  On one hand, he made some really good arguments about some things and took a stance for what he believes are important in our faith.  On the other hand, he was so transparent and candid that I wondered if people would be offended by what he wrote and how he wrote it.  I chose to be honest and candid with him as well, and when I responded it didn't go over so well at first.  I told him I was uncomfortable with how he wrote some things, and that maybe he was being offensive, and who knows what else. 
In the end, we talked it out and realized a couple things.  We BOTH want to be honest, transparent and truthful in our thoughts and words.  Jeremy is transparent in his blog, and I am transparent in my opinions of Jeremy's blog.  It is also apparent that I still have some things to learn about really being truthful and honest about who I am.  What I admire is that my husband really is not concerned with what other people think of him.  He cares for people deeply, but when it comes to what he believes he is willing to say whatever he thinks is the truth.  Does he go too far?  Who knows.  When I want to speak the truth, I am always concerned at how I am percieved or how I come across, and get really nervous about offending people, so sometimes I may gloss over something and the message may be lost.  this I realize may be an area for me to work on. 
 In the end, we both want to speak the truth, and are willing to reveal the messy reflection of Christ that we are - in hopes that through that honesty you may see and hear God's truth, His passion, and His love reflected through us.   
Oh, and by the way, scenario two is that I got up late and came to work late.  Yep, that's it.  


lost in thought said...

I can relate with you. I am not always the most transparent/honest person and that is because i don't want to hurt others feeling and i want everyone to like me. Recently i decided that i was going to be more real even if that meant not everyone would like me...not sure how i am doing with that, will keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for our wives! :)
I Like to read Jeremy's blogs. Because I know Jeremy I think I usually read what he means.
Unfortunately, not everyone who read his blogs knows Jeremy as well and therefore they dont always read what he means, they read what his words mean to them -whereby missing the truth in his posts.
To be truthful and transparent is good, to be known as truthfull and transparent is divine.