Friday, September 21, 2007


Two things I learned today:

1. $25 of gas will keep your car iddling for 15 hours plus.

2. If your car is left running in your driveway in Schenectady overnight, it will not necessarily be stolen.

Yes. I left my car running in my driveway overnight. Jeremy discovered my blunder this morning when he went to go to the grocery store and the car was already on and ready to go. I somehow managed to get out of it last night after returning from work, and failed to take out the keys and turn it off. So far Jeremy has only used this against me twice today:

ME: Honey, you forgot to hang up your towel.

HIM: I'm sorry, WHO left the car on overnight?

I guess I should get used to it. I will be hearing about this one for some time. Thank the Lord (seriously) that our brand new Kia Sedona did not get stolen - I don't think insurance covers stolen vehicles that had the keys in the ignition.

On a brighter note, I don't have to work all weekend and am excited for some much needed family time. Thankfully we still have the van to get us all around.



Sonicth3Great said...

I won't hold it over your head forever. But I WILL share it as a story every chance I get. Especially when I'm telling someone that out in front of our house a cab driver had his car stolen and then someone was murdered a couple blocks away--but not to worry, because your car isn't necessarily stolen if you leave it running in the driveway.

lost in thought said...

hmmm. is this the same night you had at least 8 people at your house? And NONE of us noticed? What does that say for your friends :)