Thursday, September 27, 2007


Last night was bath night for the babies.  I wish I could say I was supermom and bathed all three everynight, but in our house baths are on an "as needed" basis.  Usually I bath the twins in their baby bath and then Dom in the big tub, but last night I decided to try to put one of the twins, Michael (5 mon), in the bath with Dom (1 1/2) to save time. 
I thought it was a great idea, and was affirmed by Michaels cackling giggles as I placed him in the tub with Dom.  The next moment Dom got excited too, and began splashing ferociuosly while making a high pitched yell/scream/laugh noise.  Michael immediately freaked and his little face and body tensed as water splashed all over him.  He didn't have a chance to cry through all the water on his face but managed to look up at me ponderously as if to say "mommy, what where you thinking?"  Now commited to the task, I tried to hold Michael up (who can't sit up on his own) with one slippery hand while washing him with the other.  At that point Dom decided to catapault out of the tub onto my lap and managed to soak me from the waist down.  I soon became frustrated that neither baby would comply with my perfect plan.  I don't remember the rest, but 15 minutes later all babies were clean and ready for bed.  
I'm not sure what the bigger lesson is for me: to have more patience in completing a task, to not force someone into a situation they are not ready for, or to not wear my work clothes when bathing babies?
I was disappointed with myself for trying to rush through bath time and for being angry with Dom for getting water all over the place.  I did however manage to slow down after bath time.  I rocked the babies and sang songs to them.  I read books with Domieian for a long time.  I'm trying to remember to have more patience, not rush things, and enjoy the blessings of today.  Afterall, we're not gauranteed that we will still have that same blessing tommorrow. 


1 comment:

Sonicth3Great said...


Poor Dom just wants the boys to be big so he can beat up on them and have wrestling matches. Meanwhile Anthony sits in his swing and plots his takeover of the world and Michael operates as his body guard.

Once the babies can take baths in an actual tub it will be much easier! Baby tubs suck.