Tuesday, February 10, 2009

truth of the day: "I don't know what I'm doing"

It has finally happened.  Or maybe it did months ago and I was too proud too acknowledge it. 
All my experience from babysitting, nannying, etc. has finally run out and I am realizing that in fact I don't know what I'm doing afterall.  Watching someone else's children 20+ hours a week may give you a great headstart to parenting, but it's just not the same as being with a child 24-7, or three for that matter!  Why the sudden questioning of my own awesome parenting?  Oh, I don't know, maybe it was the nightmare hours between dinner and bed last night, the random tantrums, throwing things, stealing toys and pinching.  Maybe it's just that I think children deserve all our love and energy because God gave us this awesome priviledge of raising them for a brief time and we shouldn't take it for granted. 
Bring on the parenting books!  Yep, I'm doing it.  I'm delving into some Christian parenting books, determined to not look back years down the road and think "If only I had known that then!".
So, help me out.  I've got a short list, but I'm open to suggestions! 


Sonicth3Great said...


If you don't know anything then I'm screwed, cause you taught me what I know!

Plus, there's just no preparation for three kids under two. It's like taking a drink from a firehose. It might quench your thirst, or it might kill you. Could go either way.

Susan said...

Where you are at now - the end of your rope - that too, is motherhood. Isn't it wonderful? Just don't let go, cause God's got the other end.

Christi said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

I'm so lucky to have such a great husband to walk with, and a great mom who set an awesome example for me to follow.

Rachael said...

i know my sister-in-law likes the book "shepherding a child's heart" by Ted Trip http://www.amazon.com/Shepherding-Childs-Heart-Tedd-Tripp/dp/0966378601/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1234316152&sr=8-1

and i think she's also been reading "Don't make me count to three" http://www.amazon.com/Dont-Make-Count-Three-Heart-Oriented/dp/0972304649/ref=pd_sim_b_1

keep up the great work though!! your kids obviously love you so you MUST be doing something right there :)

Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be awesome if I, a non-mom with very little kid experience, started to list off a bunch of things that I think you should be doing... hehehe. But seriously, you and Jeremy are amazing parents - I love watching you interact with your kids.

Anonymous said...

christi - you're a great mom... and are at least going to read these books that i honestly wont... so when you learn all this stuff fill me in, ok?

lost in thought said...

When i think of the type of mom i want to be when/if i have kids, Christi, i think of your example. I think you are a great mom and wife; i love how you put your kids and hubby first. Plus you are always willing to change it up and try something different and you make everything fun. I can't give parental advice but i can tell you from an onlooker when i spend time with you guys i take notes and think i could almost do that cause of you....yup.

Christi said...

you guys are the greatest encouragers ever...thanks for the book recommendation rach!