Friday, February 06, 2009

church planting!

So we are diving head first into this church planting thing, whether we know what we are getting ourselves into or not is still unclear, but imagine my excitement when one of my favorite bloggers, featured a list of do's and don'ts on church planting today!  Also psyched that they name dropped a guy we actually know, who I won't name drop here because I refuse to be like that :)   But as if that wasn't enough, Pastor Rex is ALSO doing a feature on HIS blog about church planting!  My state of joy almost matches what it did earlier this week when some potentially huge doors may have opened for us as far as church planting goes - more on that later. 
Without further ado, here's are some highlights from Katdish, who wrote a guest post for my favorite blog:
So, why should you be part of a church plant? My simple answer is that you have exhausted every other option and prayed about it A LOT. If you're still up for it, then brace yourself. If you don't come by humility naturally (like I do), God will humble you like the 360 degree mirror on "What Not to Wear" (with Clinton and Stacey in the background as your accountability partners).

So, what are some dos and don'ts I can share with you based upon my vast year and a half experience with church planting? I've got roughly 197, but I'll try to keep it brief:

Do choose a pastor that has an absolutely sound, biblically based theology and a Christ-like attitude. If, say your pastor (we'll call him Steve) would like to name the church "TheHolyandDivineSpiritualHouseofStevePointe," he may lack the necessary humility to pull off leading a successful church plant. (Especially if his last name happens to be Pointe.)

Don't get bogged down with things that are more about tradition and personal preference such as using a worship eagle as opposed to an interpretive pop and lock dance set to Toby Mac's "Feelin' So Fly". Keep the main thing the main thing, but don't sweat the small stuff.

Do have a plan and a timeline for at least the first two years of your church. If you are receiving support from outside backers and other churches, it really bugs them when you say stuff like, "Que sera sera, Whatever will be will be", and then make a sweeping, full body twirl whist holding a flowing scarf in your hand. (Yeah, they really hate it when you do that.)
Ah, so there you have it.  If you haven't caught the church planting bug, you should. 


1 comment:

lost in thought said...

does that mean i should plant a church?