Tuesday, December 18, 2007

horrible driver and shameless promotion

I have an addendum to my previous blog on reasons why you are a better driver than me.

5. Ran out of gas on the way home tonight on Route 5...with babies in the car, during busy traffic, and p.s. it's freezing outside.

Here are the excuses:
1. My fuel light didn't come on.
2. Even though the pointer was below zero I was still waiting for the fuel light and thought I could make it.
3. I am an idiot.

Alright, forget number three. I really was just waiting for the fuel light and in its absence assumed that I MUST have more gas. And yes, apparently it is broken.
Alas, my husband the hero came and rescued his damsel in distress within minutes - after of course taking the opportunity to engage full hyena laugh on the phone. The laugh of course was in vindication after I used his car and left it on empty only days ago, causing him to hike home and back, gas can in tow, after HE ran out of gas on the road as well. I think we will be fixing the gas light soon.

Speaking of husbands hyena laugh, we are fervently praying for a new job in full time ministry for Jeremy that will allow:
- exercise in areas of gifting (preaching, teaching)
- communication (developing, creating and enhancing the media with which we communicate the Gospel)
- flexibility to continue Seminary (starting January)

In the meantime, our back up plan is Starbucks, or maybe something that includes free buffalo wings. Actually, Jeremy has perfected his own home made buffalo wing recipe that has saved us generously in funds. Though, I don't know that it has benefited High Bridge Pizza with whom we had a personal tab with until we began to fry chicken from home. Maybe we will open up our own wing place..."J and C Wings". I think it has a nice ring to it.

So, here's an invite - call us up if you want to partake in this new deliciousness, you will never want to order out again!

Oh, and if your little pointer is below zero fuel but your light is not on, you may want to fill up just in case.

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