Monday, March 09, 2009


Someday I will...

- post regularly
- wake up before hitting my "snooze" three times
- write my biography
- finish our bathroom
- be less self-critical
- learn to love unconditionally
- be as patient with Jeremy as he is with me!
- take my kids hiking up Mt. Washington
- show them how to jump off a bridge without getting an enema
- travel to Tanzania to meet our Compassion Child James Elibariki Nnko!
- Sky dive?
- Learn Italian so I can travel to Italy (ciao bella!)
- take care of my parents to make up for my teen years :)

That's the short list...

More to come I'm sure.


the Jeffr said...

chao? Hmm. that looks Chinese. how about "Ciao"?
The Duanesburg airstrip has skydiving lessons...i'll go if you go!

Christi said...

that's what I get for not proof reading. In my defense, the only italian I learned was when I listened to a learn italian podcast for several days while painting my bathroom - it didn't include spelling :)

Susan said...

I see you saved the best for last!

Rachael said...

i cannot wait to read your autobiography!!

and when you do get around to finishing your bathroom, i think i'll miss the fear of getting locked in everytime i go in there ;)

lost in thought said...

there's a few of these on my list.
hmmm. you have inspired me to post my list. soon.

Christi said...

Mom - of course!

Rac - nothing beats wondering if someone is locked in the bathroom when they haven't returned to the living roomin 10 minutes!

Erika - can't wait to see your list!