Monday, August 25, 2008

back from camp

Saturday we returned from a family camping trip in Connecticut. It's amazing to me that I am now bringing my family to the same campground that I went to when I was a kid. And even more amazing that this is the same place that my grandmother took my mother to when she was little! As much as I love exploring new places, it's also comforting to go back to the same place year after year, and reflect on not only how much the campground itself has changed, but how we all have changed and grown over the years.

This year seemed to be the "baby explosion" year. Our campsites looked like a daycare came by and threw up all over the place. Babies and toys abounded. On the way home Jeremy and I laughed at ourselves for bringing our books and magazines. Our trip was anything but leisurely. We did manage to create a few fond memories however.

Here are some highlights:


Sonicth3Great said...

I particularly like thinking about how you were relaxed in the canoe snuggling with the boys under the umbrella, Mike and I were baking in the hot sun moving the overloaded canoe through weed infested waters.

cd said...

I LOVE the picture of Jada with the hat!! I want to squeeze her!! And by the way, for the first time, I got to read on our vacation this year!! Yeah!