People often ask me how we do it with three kids under two, and up until this point I'm always like, um, we just do it. I mean, I don't really know any different and you just figure it out. However, next time someone asks me how I do it without losing your mind, I think I will answer "I don't".
So the twins are finally walking...all over. And to be honest, I NEEDED this to happen. Imagine running to the car three times just to put each child in the car. Forget all the other trips I have to make back out because I forgot other things. Nightmare.
But now they are walking. And this was cool for about a week. And then came the "I can walk, so I can also throw myself on the ground screaming if you take away the cell phone I was playing with". Yeah, joyous.
All kidding aside, I am going insane. Nope, that was a joke too. My patience is actually growing, as are the list of hilarious things that happen in a house with three little ones. Like when they reprogrammed the home phone message to a bunch of baby blabbering. Or when we visit my parents and I put the boys to bed in the same playpen, and they spend the next hour in an ultimate restling/giggle fest. I especially love when they crack each other up for no apparent reason at all. Don't even get me started on bath time, how Jada manages to giggle so hard that she slides herself to the other end of the tub is just beyond me.
So that's why I haven't been able to blog lately. I'll work on it, I promise...but not at the expense of missing all these baby moments. I'll never get that back :)
P.S. What do you do when you are stuck home all weekend with sick babies? Make two batches of cookies! Try it, I promise it will make it all better!